

Belenézek a tükörbe, kinézek az ablakon: látom magamat, és látok másokat azzal küzdeni, hogy hogyan legyünk a saját bőrünkben. Hogy tudjuk, kik vagyunk, és mire van szükségünk. Hogy kedveljük magunkat, ahelyett, hogy valaki más bőrében szeretnénk lenni. ~ G. Roth

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Outdoor dance in the park Budapest Peter Fejer

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Upcoming Workshops

Layers of Truth

Budapest - 28 Mar 2025 to 30 Mar 2025
Alex Mackay


5Rhythms workshop with Alex Mackay

More than one thing can be true at the same time. As we dance, we practice how to shift our attention to identify and express different layers of our reality at any moment. Expanding from limited and worn out patterns and beliefs into new forms.

In this 2,5 day journey through Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms maps, we will include the physical and sensory, memory and imagination, the truth of this time in our life and the season of the year. We will explore our hunger and yearning, our sensation and experience, and the different layers of truth - collective and individual  - that are alive and present as we move.

A new level of bodily intelligence can be activated as we lean into spontaneity and freedom.

"Dance is the fastest, most direct route to the truth -- not some big truth that belongs to everybody, but the get down and personal kind, the what's-happening-in-me-right-now kind of truth. We dance to reclaim our brilliant ability to disappear in something bigger, something safe, a space without a critic or a judge or an analyst. We dance to fall in love with the spirit in all things. We dance to hook up to the true genius lurking behind all the bullshit -- to seek refuge in our originality and our power to reinvent ourselves; to shed the past, forget the future and fall into the moment feet first." - Gabrielle Roth

About the teacher
Alex Mackay has been teaching 5Rhythms® for well over 2 decades and is known for light and depth in her teaching, offering few well-chosen words, and opening a sense of wonder. Alex is energetic, embodied, and creative. She lives in Wales and teaches classes and workshops in the UK and internationally. https://www.alexravensister.com

28-30 March 2025
Friday: 18:30-21:00
Saturday: 11:00-18:00
Sunday: 11:00-17:00

SÍN Culture Centre, Gyutacs u. 10, 1139 Budapest
Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/PKrtQdnhyAkpJnUw7

Regular: 180 € / 75.000 Ft
Early bird: 140 € / 58.000 Ft (until February 13)

Inclusion is important to us. This is why we offer a number of scholarships available for those who need financial support to attend. Please reach out to us via email to discuss the options.

20% discount for 5Rhythms teachers and 5Rhythms Space Holders on the regular price.

Register for the workshop here: https://shorturl.at/MdnPz

This workshop is taught in English with translation into Hungarian.
Attendance counts as 2,5 days Waves towards the teacher training prerequisites.

 QUESTIONS? Email Julia Mercurio at mercurio.julia@gmail.com


Grief, Loss, and the Body in Motion

Budapest - 30 May 2025 to 1 Jun 2025
Karen Ritscher - Peter Selwyn

3 day workshop - 5Rhythms (Waves/Heartbeat level ) & griefwork

We are living in a time of great chaos, upheaval, and grief. We may be experiencing numbness or isolation, as we feel the natural human emotions of sadness, love, anger, fear, and confusion. How can we move forward with grace and self-compassion during this time of difficult transitions?

In this workshop we will come together in a safe and supportive space, to explore and move all that we’ve been feeling and holding. Over the course of three days, we will use the tools of the 5Rhythms® movement practice (Waves and Heartbeat level), theoretical background knowledge, as well as a process of grief work developed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, often referred to as "Externalization".

Every participant will have the opportunity to step into a 1:1 guided process of „Externalization“ throughout the weekend. This deep-dive exploration can include simply witnessing, or possibly releasing feelings through verbal as well as physical expression.

As we move through the weekend together, the combination of moving, witnessing, and releasing through grief work can help us heal and possibly transform our life experiences into greater wholeness, opening us to an even deeper embodiment and connection to ourselves and each other.
This workshop is open to all, and is intended especially for those who have experienced loss, or are carrying a grief that feels stuck or unresolved. This can include loss of loved ones, of relationships, our health, possibilities, or the way we thought our lives were supposed to be. The workshop offers ways of moving through and releasing these feelings, in the service of healing and wholeness.

Grief comes in many shapes. There are many reasons why grief enters our life. This may be caused - but doesnt have to - by the death of a loved one. The workshop might be the right choice for you if you have experienced/ are currently experiencing …
• a relationship breakup
• the end of a friendship
• involuntarily loosing your home
• loosing a job
• declining health
• financial loss
• witnessing or experiencing social injustice
• the impossibility of having children
• letting go of a dream you had for your life
• getting older
• enstrangement from people over time
• a natural disaster
• the destruction of nature around you
About the teachers
Karen Ritscher has been teaching 5Rhythms® for ten years, after completing her training with Gabrielle Roth. She became a Heartbeat teacher in 2019 and has worked with people living with Alzheimer’s and cancer as well as led weekly classes in New York City. She currently teaches 5Rhythms® at the Healing Loss Workshops and the Cancer Survivor Groups at Montefiore Hospital. As a concert violist, she has performed all over the world with such distinguished artists as Yo-Yo Ma, Leonard Bernstein, Michael Jackson and Sting. She is on the faculties of Manhattan School of Music, New York University and the Chautauqua Institution.
Peter Selwyn, MD, MPH, is professor and chairman of the Department of Family and Social Medicine, and director of the Palliative Care Program, at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx,New York. He has been a caregiver for people with AIDS and others at the end of life for close to 40 years. He facilitates workshops on grief and loss, and care for caregivers in New York. Peter is the author of Surviving the Fall: The Personal Journey of an AIDS Doctor, a memoir of the early years of the AIDS epidemic, and his own journey grieving the loss of his father to suicide at a young age. He completed training as a 5Rhythms teacher in 2021, and holds 5Rhythms classes for hospital staff and community in the Bronx.
Friday, 30 May 14:00-21:00
Saturday, 31 May 11:00-18:00
Sunday, 01 June 11:00-17:00

Regular: 325 €
Early bird: 275 € (if paid in full until 18 April)
For participants from Hungary and/or economically less abundant countries we offer a 75 € discount.
20% discount on regular price for 5Rhythms teachers and 5Rhythms Spaceholders.

Register here: https://shorturl.at/j3Ggn

This workshop is taught in English.
Available places: 35
5Rhythms® experience is preferable, but not required
This workshop offers teacher training credit: 1 day Waves, 1.5 Heartbeat

Email Julia Mercurio at mercurio.julia@gmail.com


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